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Welcome to Moonstocks! 

I’m Deven. During the week, I use my time to help participants in the stock market invest and trade more responsibly, with one of the largest fintech players in India through data-based insights. On the weekends, I am generally sipping coffee and reading my favourite books and blogs.

At Moonstocks, I am on a mission to democratise financial literacy amongst the internet generation! This newsletter paves my way into providing interesting yet simplified insights about personal finance and investing so that you don’t feel left out during those money discussions!

Numerous people have become smarter about investments and learnt to manage their finances with me! Don’t feel left out, let’s take our wealth to the moon!

Also, I promise you no ads, no click-baits, no bullshit! Unbiased and unsponsored financial insights to your mailbox!

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Simple musings about personal finance to ensure you don't feel left out during those money discussions!